Horseshoe Gives: Black Friday Edition

We are so honored by how our customers have supported Horseshoe Gives! It means so much to us to be able to support causes we care about, and we couldn't do that without our customers, so thank you! 

We are excited to continue Horseshoe Gives, this time as a part of a larger community effort of Ballard businesses. Each year, stores in Ballard participate in Ballard Gives Black Friday. Every store selects a charity to donate a portion of their proceeds to for either the day or the entire weekend. This year, as in years past, we will donate 3 percent of our proceeds from the weekend to the Ballard Food Bank. Additionally, this year we're partnering with the YWCA to provide Thanksgiving dinners for 3 families in need. 



If you're out shopping this weekend, we hope you'll stop by Ballard and say hi! And if you're interested in learning more about Ballard Gives Black Friday and the other particpating merchants, check out for more information. 

We wish you a happy Thanksgiving with family, friends, and lots of great food! We are so thankful for you and for letting us be a part of your community.

-The Gals at Horseshoe


Photo Credit for All Vintage Thanksgiving Images:

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