- For a little inspiration, thumb through your favorite magazines and create yourself a dialed in Pinterest Board. This will give you some ideas about what current Fall styles seem the most "you" and are conducive to your lifestyle.
hint: If your job has a professional dress code you may want to consider doing this for both work attire and weekend/day wear. There's nothing like trying to get dressed for Saturday lunch with your girlfriends and only having pointed toe heels and silk blouses in your closet to choose from. The "you" at your office and the "you" on the weekend probably like to dress a little different. :)
- Put your Summer clothes to the side for a moment (just for a moment, you still have ample time to wear them while it's still hot!) so you can focus on your colder weather clothes and shoe options.
- Go through your closet like you would a clothing store and choose the items you'd most likely pick when you were shopping. This will help you see what you don't want to bring into another season and what you do. Be honest with yourself when looking at what's left. Will you realistically wear these items? Probably not, so bag them up, give them away, or sell them.
- Congratulations! Now you're left with the cream of the crop and ready to go onto step 3!
- Revisit your the Fall Style Pinterest Board you made and the magazine clippings you saved. Using them as inspiration, start physically putting outfits together, right down to the shoes. This way you can keep the new Fall styles you like in mind while you create looks with the clothes you have. When you come to a road block write down what you need to complete the outfit, ie. an over sized cream sweater to go with your black skinny jeans and brown booties, or the cute new pair of sneakers you've been seeing online that would update the pair of high-waisted jeans and blazer combo you liked wearing last year.
Step 4. SHOP
- This is the fun part! The list you made will come in handy in the months to come because now, during every shopping trip you'll know exactly what you're looking for. We all know how easy it is to get distracted by ALL of the pretty things....:) so this way you'll be less likely to buy a random piece you'll never have anything to go with and more likely to look in your closet and say "this outfit would be cute if I only had..."
Plus you'll have the gratification of, wait for it.... marking a big ole line through an item on your list!
Want a little more inspiration?
Here's a peek at what's on the Horseshoe Gals' Fall Shopping List.
We really hope you try our 'tried and true' method of getting yourself organized and outfitted for the year's most fashionable season! FALL!